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Best DM wad of 2005

  Arena:NMDM01 Base: Twice Risen starport.
Class: Planet

This base was the first new outpost away from earth ever constructed after the hell-wars, it fittingly recieved the name Twice Risen and stand as a testament to humanitys strength and ability to come through the most horrible of ordeals.

The base was also a first in more ways than one. The new ships that the starport are specially designed to take in and refuel have extremely space efficent fuel depositories, so the smallest ships can carry more than any class C freighter ever been able to.


Finished build date: Mars 03, 2148.

  Arena:NMDM02 Base: UAC Crate factory.
Class: Moon

There's not much documentation left about this base, it's former use was a factory where UAC built crates for various storage purpous (mainly nuklear waste and other toxic byproducts).

After the wars and the UAC being downsources and eventually completely cut up into several smaller factions (the crew being one of them) the factory was once again put into use, but several modifications were added and a whole north wing where the activity is performed in a very secretive manner.


Finished build date: Unknown.

  Arena:NMDM03 Base: Base16 - Rocket silo.
Class: Planet

Base 16 on Mars is in actuality just one big fierce weapon. Throughout the base there's 20 rocketsilos with 4 rockets in each. They are believed to be a form of last solution. If all is lost. These rockets will make sure that anything still moving, ceases that activity immideatly.

For the training "Doom Cyborgs" though, this offers one of the most furious battle arenas on the whole training ground.


Finished build date: August 31, 2161.

  Arena:NMDM04 Base: Alpha outpost - Loading dock.
Class: Planet

The Alpha outpost was a cheap and simple way to power the huge landscape of bases on Exdeus as it used the abundance of magma that was capsuled inside the planets thin crust. However, due to the plant being a quite risky workplace, there was noone that was sad to see it go when the new plasma power came along. The plant is now used for storing old junk. Some people believe that the old teleporter pads that caused the hell-war is being held there. But mostly it's dismissed as myth. This being based on the ceremony held by the UAC just after the hell-war, where they simultaneously destroyed all the teleporters, whith the whole world watching and in unison breathing a sigh of relief.

The area in question for this arena is the loading dock to the plant. It's mainly used for "One on one" bouts.


Finished build date: December 01, 2148.

  Arena:NMDM05 Base: Alpha outpost - Storage area.
Class: Planet

Just like in the previous arena, this is a part of the Alpha outpost. It's a storage area, like any other. But the training is of the marksman class.


Finished build date: December 01, 2148.

  Arena:NMDM06 Base: Combustion.
Class: Moon

Unlike the other arenas, this is not a simulation of an actual place. Or atleast not a very accurate one, the creators added a teleporter as they sought it necessary to train the Dooms in every possible situation imaginable. Some employees of the Crew took this as a bad sign though. If the pads really were destroyed, why would they need to include them in the sims? The official story was however that the hell legions could summon their own teleporters. And that was a possability that they couldn't ignore.


Finished build date: None, building does not actually exist.

  Arena:NMDM07 Base: Base 16.
Class: Planet

Another Base 16 section used for battle. This is the hub of the entire Base 16 complex. The arena is big and open, also features some tricky situations to give the Cyborg the really valuable goods.


Finished build date: August 31, 2161.

  Arena:NMDM08 Base: Sewer Terminal.
Class: Moon

This arena, just like the Combustion arena, is not an authentic recreation. Once again the creators featured a teleporter. This didn't get the same responce from employees though, they had by this time already gotten used to the Combustion arena and it's teleporters.

Special for this arena is that it features a rather mean trap for whoever takes a dare for the heavy artillery.


Finished build date: None, building does not actually exist.

  Arena:NMDM09 Base: Base 16 - Storage area.
Class: Planet

Another Base 16 section used for battle. This storage area is in reality directly connected to the hub previously mentioned and is stacked with a couple of crates. Few know what these crates actually contain though.


Finished build date: August 31, 2161.

  Arena:NMDM10 Base: Birth chamber.
Class: Moon

This is a rather special arena, it's a replication of the "birth chamber". Or rather, the laboratory where they build and modify the "Doom Cyborgs". Few people appreciate the term "birth chamber" though, they consider it a sick thought. To refer to the business that goes on in there as "giving birth".

All other information about this laboratory is classified. Finished build date: Classified.

  Arena:NMDM11 Base: Base 16 - Complete battle arena.
Class: Planet

This is a complete arena of the three Base 16 sections previously featured in this list. This is a very big map and the map features a big variety of items. For instance there's a wide selection of runes scattered around the arena.

It's main purpous is for the eventuality of bigger battles being conducted.


Finished build date: August 31, 2161.

  Arena:NMDM12 Base: Shipping/Recieving Spaceport.
Class: Moon

This just like the previous arena is a larger construction based off of the shipping/recieving spaceport on Phobos. This Spaceport is a hub of transportations around Phobos aswell to other planetary bodies in the universe. Many ships come by here to re-fuel on their way to (for instance) Exdeus.

It's an old base though. And the worn interior makes it apparent.


Finished build date: September 18, 2151.

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